Hosta 'Wheel of Fortune'

This is one of those cases where there are two hostas with the same name. Neither is registered with The American Hosta Society. The first one to be registered would become the "official" hosta of that name and the other would have to be renamed.

H. 'Roue de Fortune' (French for Wheel of Fortune) was originated in 2012 by Jocelyne Bastille of Aux Mille Hostas in Canada.

Hosta Helper will call this plant 'Wheel of Fortune' (French)

Originated by Jere Housworth of Holiday Seeds, Stone Mountain, Georgia, this non-registered cultivar is a seedling of H. 'Louisa'.

According to The Hostapedia by Mark Zilis (2009), "...may no longer exist..."

Hosta Helper will call this plant 'Wheel of Fortune' (Housworth)


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