This cultivar from
Japan was originated by
Dr. Fumio Maekawa and registered by
American Hosta Society on his behalf in 1987 as a sport of H. 'Tokudama'.
It is a medium size plant with blue-green foliage that has a gold colored medial
(center) variegation. The leaves are heavily corrugated and broadly ovate. It
bears near white flowers in dense clusters from late June into July.
According to
The Hostapedia by Mark Zilis (2009), "Over the years I have seen a few specimens labeled
as such and have even propagated them, but they appear no
from 'Tokudama
Aureonebulosa'. In fact the juvenile form of the latter can
easily be described as yellow in the center with a narrow, green
margin, so I do not believe that the name 'Tokudama Flavoplanta'
(or H. tokudama flavo-planta) can be correctly ascribed
to any plant."
 An article about H. tokudama 'Flavoplanata' by Warren I. Pollock in
The Hosta Journal (1985 Vol. 16) states that, "Prof. Dress states that
the "planata" part of this epithet is not
Latin; that is, there is no such word
or form in Latin, so far as he can determine."
