Registered by Don Dean
of Minnesota in
this cultivar is a seedling of (((H. ‘Liberty Bell’
x (H. 'Urajiro Hachijo' x
H. pycnophylla)) x
H. ‘Ebony
Spires’) x H. ‘Astral Bliss’) ×
H. 'Fire Island'. It is a medium size hosta about
11 inches high by 27 inches wide with medium green
foliage that has yellow marginal variegation. This
rhizomatous hosta has leaves that are lanceolate,
slightly twisted, slightly folded, intensely wavy and
dull on the top. The variegation pattern carries down
into the petioles. Pale lavender flowers with near white
edges bloom in August on scapes 28 to 33 inches tall
followed by viable seeds.
The registration materials state: "...Very narrow
leaves with heavily rippled margins have clean contrast
between leaf center and margin colors. Deeply impressed
veins on a semi-rhizomatous clump...margins become near
white later."
Mikiko Lockwood in an article on The Hosta Library titled,
A Little About Japanese Hosta Terms defines the term urajiro as white-backed or white underside. |