
According to The Hostapedia by Mark Zilis (2009), this cultivar was "...obtained by Frances Williams from the garden of Grace Sturtevant of Wellesley, MA in the 1930s." It was registered by Peter and Jean Ruh of Ohio on her behalf in 2003 and it was amended in 2005.

Typical of an H. 'Elegans' plant, this is a large size hosta about 19 inches high by 33 inches wide with medium blue-green foliage. The leaves are moderately wavy, moderately corrugated, slightly twisted and dull on top. Near white flowers bloom in late June and the seed set was not known at the time of registration.

According to the registration materials: "...historic variety dating to 1930's; large size;  good blue; good texture."

Zilis continues "This plant has been listed most often as 'Sturtevant' but the permutations 'Sturdevant' and 'Sturdivant' can also be found...mainly of historical interest."


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