This is, perhaps, the most commonly grown hosta with splashed variegation. It was registered by
Mildred Seaver of Massachusetts in 1999 as a seedling of with
H. 'Sieboldiana'
The plant forms a large size (24 inches high
by 36 inches wide) mound of broadly ovate,
wavy, moderately corrugated foliage with thick substance. It
bears near white flowers in very late June into July.
According to
The Hostapedia by Mark Zilis (2009), this cultivar "...rates as one of
Mildred Seaver's greatest introductions and has been very
popular amongst collectors, gardeners and nurserymen alike...The
variegation varies a bit from plant to plant, some exhibiting a
bit more misting, others developing large white streaks."
The New Encyclopedia of Hostas by
Grenfell (2009) states in its Hosta Hybrids for Connoisseurs chapter: "Very
slow to increase. Although this once-rare hosta is
now readily available through micropropagation,
plants produced by this method vary considerably. It
is therefore worth seeking out originator stock to
acquire a specimen which is identical to the first
introduction...The flecking, misting, and streaking
are stable, making this hosta instantly
