A 2006 registration by
Walters Gardens, Inc. of Michigan, this cultivar
was discovered by
Clarence (C.H.) Falstad, III
as a sport of H. 'Blue
Umbrellas'. It was also awarded U.S. Plant Patent 19,565 in
2008. This cultivar is very much like the mother plant but with a
bright yellow to creamy white marginal variegation. The giant size (36 inches high)
mound has leaves that are cordate and rugose. Very pale lavender, bell-shaped flowers are borne on
42 inch tall scapes from late June into July.
According to
The Hostapedia by
Mark Zilis (2009), "This cultivar shows great potential, as it offers
all the good traits of 'Blue Umbrellas' (thick substance, large size mound size, and attractive leaf shape) with variegation."