Hosta kiyosumiensis
'Seiryu Aiyagawa'


Oops! Sure looks as if this green hosta is labeled as the cultivar H. 'Kiyosumiensis Seiryo Aiyagawa' but this is a misspelling of Hosta kiyosumeinsis 'Seiryo Aiyagawa'. - Mr PGC

This is a green hosta with white streaks in the foliage. It is a medium size sport of the species, Hosta kiyosumeinsis, from Japan. The foliage is slightly wavy and faintly corrugated. Pale lavender flowers bloom from mid-July into August.

Mikiko Lockwood in an article on The Hosta Library titled, A Little About Japanese Hosta Terms defines the term -gawa or -kawa as river.


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