This fast growing sport of H. 'Well Shaked' was registered by
Danny Van Eechaute of
Belgium in 2011.
It is a medium size hosta about 13 inches high by 24
inches wide. The leaves are medium blue-green, broadly ovate, slightly corrugated, dull on top with a flat margin. Pale
lavender, tubular flowers bloom from July into August. It sets
viable seeds in blue-green pods.
cultivar is named for Rev. W. McMillan MBE from Northern
Ireland who is a well-known flower arranger and
gardener. He has been awarded the Associate of Honor of
the National Association of Flower Arrangement Societies
of Great Britain and is an Honorary Member of the Garden
Clubs of America. Rev. McMillan is also the recipient of
The Albert Schweitzer Award for the promotion of
religious freedom.