Originated by
Chick Wasitis of Bridgewood
Gardens of Virginia and registered by
AHS/G. H. Alley
this cultivar is an open-pollinated seedling of an
unnamed seedling of H. 'Sea Prize'.
It is a medium size (14 inches high by 24 inches wide)
hosta with a semi-upright growth habit.
The leaves are
moderate greenish blue (122A
Colour Chart) with a creamy
yellow marginal variegation. They are ovate to broadly
ovate in shape, have a glaucous bloom on top and are
slightly wavy overall with a third transition color
between the margins and the center leaf color. Near
white, bell-shaped flowers bloom from June into July on
scapes 12 to 18 inches tall followed by viable seeds in
frosty bluish-green pods.
registration materials state: "...Nice greenish
blue leaves with variable width creamy yellow to white
margins held in a semi-upright posture with each leaf
claiming its own space...margins turn creamy white