This cultivar is
"believed" to be a sport of
H. ventricosa was originated by
Bill Janssen of
Collector's Nursery in Washington and registered on his behalf of
Kevin Walek (Hosta Registrar) in 2009. It is a miniature size (4 inches high by
5 inches wide) plant with shiny dark
green foliage that has yellow and light
green streaked
variegation. The leaves are distorted, unruly, heavily
rippled and shiny on top. It bears dark purple, bell-shaped flowers
in July.
According to
The Hostapedia by Mark Zilis (2009), "Leaves of 'Mutant Ninja' displayed at the 1996
National Convention of
The American Hosta Society caught everyone's attention. None of
us had ever seen its type of variegation. The irregular,
"banded" variegation did not fit any conventional color
category...The effect is diminished in the garden,..."
