This cultivar originated from Japan
and is a seedling of
H. rectifolia.
Heinz Klose of
Staudengärtnerei Klose in Germany introduced it into the trade and it was registered by
Peter Ruh of Ohio in 2002
with new data in
It is a small
size (8 inches high by 20 inches wide), upright growing hosta with medium green foliage that has lighter green
streaked variegation and a creamy white marginal
variegation. The lanceolate leaves are slightly rippled, slightly folded, slightly wavy and dull on top. Bright
purple flowers with white stripes bloom in Ohio from
August into September on scapes 15 to 23 inches tall. It sets viable seeds in purple
colored pods. The
registration materials state: "...small, compact, mound;
attractive foliage; bright flowers; stable..." According to
The Hostapedia by Mark Zilis (2009), "This is probably the same as 'Chionea'...it bears
little resemblance to H. rectifolia."
