Registered by
Clarence Hanna
of Ohio
this large to giant size (28 inches high by 68 inches
wide) cultivar is a seedling of H. 'Yellow Splash' ×
H. 'Kirkside Blue'. Its foliage is dark green
with a yellow medial (center) variegation and this color
pattern extends down into the petioles.
The broadly
ovate leaves are slightly cupped, slightly corrugated
and slightly shiny on top. Moderate lavender flowers
with white stripes bloom from mid-July into August on scapes 32 to 38 inches tall followed by viable seeds. The
registration materials state: "...Very dark green
margins transition to a light green area bordering
irregularly shaped rich yellow centers. Every visitor
to the garden spots ‘Janie Girl’ from a distance and
wants to buy it. Named for my wife Jane Hanna...yellow
centers become white late in the season." |