Registered by
& B.
Klotz of Dogtown Farms in Ohio in
2020, this
medium size (15 inches high by 30 inches wide)
cultivar is of unidentified parentage. It is an upright
growing hosta with light yellowish-green foliage that
has a creamy white marginal variegation.
The leaves are
broadly ovate, moderately wavy, slightly rippled,
moderately corrugated and dull on top. Light green color
with variable white streaks carries down the petioles.
Pale lavender, bell-shaped flowers that are white on the
inside base with lavender centers and pale lavender on
the outer edges bloom in July followed by viable seeds.
The registration
materials state: "...Short but upright posture with
most leaves growing upward (like crystals). White
margins are wider towards the tip and narrower at the
base...Very bright yellow in spring changing to light
green later." |