Registered by
Frank Nyikos
of Walnut Grove Nursery in Indiana
this cultivar is a medium size (15 inches high by 36
inches wide) seedling of H. 'Galaxy'. It has
medium green foliage with a variable golden-yellow
marginal variegation. The leaves are slightly rippled at
the margins, dull on top, ovate, slightly cupped,
slightly twisted and slightly corrugated.
Some of its
bell-shaped flowers are pinkish lavender with deeper
colored veins while others are cream white with pale
lavender stripes. They bloom from late June into July on
reddish green scapes 26 to 30 inches tall. It sets
viable seed in green pods with reddish highlights. The
registration materials state: "...Variable width
golden yellow margin that can send shadowy coloration to
the veins...margins color deepens as the season