This is the green form of H. 'Galaxy' which is a non-registered cultivar from
Wade of Wade and Gatton Nursery (Closed 2019) of Ohio. It
grows into a large size hosta about 25 inches in height with a spread of 60 inches.
The leaves are roundish in shape. Its medium lavender flowers
bloom from late June into July followed by viable
seeds. This is part of Van's
Indian Series of hostas.
Indians, along
with a small group of Mingos, Mohawks and Mohegens,
settled the present
Greentown, Ohio site, as early as 1782. The
Hostapedia listed this a 'Greentown' and, despite the
fact that the plant label below from Wade and Gatton
Nurseries says 'Green Town', we think it is actually
'Greentown'...hope you are not too confused.