In 1992, Peter Ruh of Ohio registered this cultivar on behalf of the
Eunice V. Fisher of Wisconsin
who found this sport of H. 'Fortunei
Hyacinthina' in the 1960's. This large size plant has pale lavender flower from late July into August.

According to
The Hosta Handbook by Mark Zilis (2000), H. fortunei 'Cream Edge' is actually the
cultivar H. 'Fisher's Cream Edge'.
Mark Zilis (2009) advises "...don't confuse this cultivar with 'Krossa
Cream Edge'..."
is a H. 'Fortunei Stenantha' sport with a
("cream") margin on green center. The margin retains
its yellowish white color until late into the season
and never turns completely white, so this plant is
distinct from H. 'Fortunei Albomarginata' and
other margined forms of H. 'Fortunei'."
