Registered by Dr. Doug and Mardy Beilstein of Ohio in
this cultivar is a seedling of [(((H. ‘Neat Splash’ x
a seedling of H.
‘Rising Sun’) x
H. ‘Grand Slam’) x OP) x
H. ‘Red
Puppy’] × (H. 'Atom Smasher' x
H. 'Redback
Tavern'). The clump grows into a medium size about 13
inches high by 18 inches wide with medium green foliage.
Its leaves are slightly to moderately corrugated, ovate
and slightly shiny on top. Medium lavender flowers bloom
in August on scapes up to 38 inches tall followed by
viable seeds. The scapes are green with maroon speckled
The registration materials state: "...Starting
mid-summer, the leaf assumes a red "blush" in the tissue
between the veins."
