Registered by Stuart Asch of Michigan in
2017, is
a large size (20 inches high by 42 inches wide)
sport of H. 'Dean's List'. It is a medium green hosta with a yellow medial (center) variegation. The
leaves are broadly ovate, heavily cupped (when mature),
moderately folded, slightly corrugated and dull on top. Near
white flowers bloom from June into July on scapes 26 to
32 inches tall. It sets viable seeds.
The registration materials state: "...Unusual
seasonal variegation. Needs a lot of sun for good color.
Larger leaves have wider, more irregular, dark green
margins. Emerges later but lasts way into the fall. Deep
leaf cupping occurs when plant is fully mature...Emerges
a rather dull gray/green color. Variegation starts in
June becoming more pronounced through July. Best color
and cupping occurs in August."
The originator made the following comment on the
Fraternal Order
of Seedy Fellows website: "This hosta is wonderfully
cupped when it reaches maturity. Very unusual, in that
each spring it comes up a rather ugly gray/green in
color. Nothing special for sure, and perhaps even looks
like it belongs on the compost heap. Come June, a faint
variegation first appears, only to become more and more
pronounced with the passing summer days. Finally, as
July begins, the contrasting colors and variegation come
into full contrast. Younger plants have good color,
variegation, and some cupping. With maturity comes the
best cupping. "