This is a hybrid
of a complex cross of "Lachman Seedling
L82-18-1" (Seedling x H. 'Flamboyant')
x "Lachman Seedling
L81-1" (H. 'Resonance'
x H. 'White Christmas') and . It was registered in 1989 by
Wm and Eleanor Lachman of Massachusetts. The small size plant grows to about 7
inches in height with a spread of around 20 inches. Its narrow,
wavy leaves are green with a yellow to creamy white marginal
variegation. They are elliptic in shape and have thin texture.
Purple flowers bloom from late July into August.
According to
The Hostapedia by Mark Zilis (2009), "This may be the most disappointing of all the Lachman
introductions...It so lacks in substance that I have yet to see
a clump of 'Curly Locks' that was not riddled with slug holes by
midsummer, often resulting in a flat, collapsed mound."
