Registered by
Don Dean of Minnesota in
this cultivar is a seedling of [(H. laevigata ×
((H. 'Liberty Bell' × (H. 'Urajiro Hachijo' ×
H. pycnophylla)) × (H. 'Liberty Bell' ×
H. yingeri))) ×
H. 'Pineapple Upsidedown Cake']. It is a medium
size (15 inches high by 28 inches wide) hosta with dark
green leaves. The foliage is broadly ovate, slightly
twisted, wavy and slightly shiny on top. Medium
lavender with darker lavender stripes bloom in August on
purple-red, 41 inch tall scapes. It sets viable seeds in
purple-red pods. The
registration materials state: "...Vigorous, heart
shaped leaf with saturated purple-red petioles, scapes
and pods. Petiole color extends into the leaf blade and
the green bracts have a purple-red base. Flared mound
offers a view of purple-red coloration from all vantage
points. Mikiko Lockwood in an article on The Hosta Library titled,
A Little About Japanese Hosta Terms defines the term urajiro as white-backed or white underside.
