Registered by
Rod Kuenster
of Iowa
this cultivar is a seedling of (H. 'Fudge Ripple' ×
H. 'King Lizard') ×
(H. 'Key West' × H. 'Niagara Falls'). This
large size hosta is about
24 inches high by 43 inches wide with light green
foliage that has a streaked greenish-white variegation.
The leaves are broadly ovate, moderately corrugated,
moderately wavy, slightly twisted and slightly rippled
at the margins with pale white petioles. Pale lavender flowers with
medium lavender stripes bloom from July into August on
light green scapes 34 to 36 inches tall. It sets viable
seeds in pale white to light green pods.
registration materials state: "...Very light green
color that carries over to seedlings."
