Registered by
Rod Kuenster
of Iowa
this cultivar is a seedling of (H. 'Ma Breeder' ×
H. 'Beer Belly Blues') × (H. 'Brutus' × H. 'Giantland
Thor'). This large size hosta is about 23 inches high
by 52 inches wide with intense blue-green foliage that
has a streaked greenish-yellow variegation. The leaves
are broadly ovate, heavily corrugated, slightly wavy and
slightly folded. Pale lavender, bell-shaped flowers with
medium lavender stripes bloom from mid-July into August
on frosty blue streaked scapes 27 to 32 inches tall. It
sets viable seeds in frosty blue-green, streaked pods.
registration materials state: "...The frostiest
hosta in registrant's garden."
