This cultivar is a
seedling of H. sieboldii 'Naugoku' which was registered by
Ran Lydell of
Cooks Nursery and Eagle Bay Gardens in New York in 2000. The small size hosta
grows to about 9 inches in height with a spread of
around 30 inches with medium to dark green foliage. Deep
purple flowers in clusters bloom from late September
into October.
According to
The Hostapedia by Mark Zilis (2009), "...comes much closer to H. longipes than
H. sieboldii... tight clusters of purple flowers (like
"Concord grapes") just above the glossy green leaves."
A comment on the Hosta Library says that on H. 'Concord' "the blooms are deep
purple, and last for most of the month."
This refers to the length of
flowering season since each bloom only lasts one day.

Hosta Journal, (2006 Vol. 37 No. 2), in an article
about flower characteristics stated that this cultivar
has "...the blooms are deep purple, and last for most of
the month of October..."
