A small size (6 inches high by 18 inches wide) sport of H. 'Vera
Verde' this non-registered cultivar was introduced by
Paul Aden of New York and registered by
Mark Zilis of Illinois in 2010. The originator is considered to be
"unknown". Its foliage is green with white and green streaks.
The leaves are moderately flat, dull on top and taper down at
the base.
Purple, tubular shaped flowers open in August.
According to
The Hostapedia by
Mark Zilis (2009), "I have known about 'Cheesecake' since 1983, but
have only viewed it a few times.
Schmid (1991,p. 146) described it as an
unstable cultivar and that may
be the reason for its rarity."
The registration information
indicates that, "...frequently large white sections of foliage
develop; sometimes reverts to white or green centered."
is a sport found in H. 'Vere Verde' clumps. Many
different leaf variegations found but principally white leaf
centers with green margins. Unstable and will revert to H.
'Vera Verde'."
