This medium size (17 inches high) cultivar was
registered by Paul Aden of New York in 1978. It is a seedling cross of H. 'Gay Feather' with a creamy white center and bright purple flowers.
Perhaps because of the large amount of white variegation, it is
reportedly difficult to grow.
According to
The Hostapedia by Mark Zilis (2009), "Its laggard growth rate and propensity to sport
all-green foliage, however, eventually led to a steep decline in
nursery sales. In fact, it is hard to find well-grown specimens
of the true plant anymore."
is reported to be the same or nearly the same as
H. 'Gay Feather', but the latter is a larger
cultivar...melting out has been reported and can be
delayed by planting in optimum sun."
Schmid (1991), this is a hybrid of H. 'Aden
No. 378' × H. 'Aden
No. 322'.