English nurseryman,
Alan Bloom, registered this
H. 'Sieboldiana' hybrid in 1984. It forms a
large size mound about 28 inches tall by 68 inches wide. The foliage
has thick substance with a thick layer of bloom on the bottom of
the leaves. Large, near-white flowers bloom from mid-June into
July. According to
The Hostapedia by Mark Zilis (2009), "Alan Bloom obtained this plant in 1962 from the garden of
a Major Daniels and sold it through
Bressingham Gardens as
Hosta sieboldiana glauca coerulea (Ruh 1989). It was renamed
'Bressingham Blue' in 1984 (Bloom 1984). Through published as a
1984 registration in the 1993 checklist of registered cultivars
(IRA 1993), it was not included with the 1984 registrations in
the 1985 issue of The American Hosta Society Bulletin (Eisel 1985)."
