![](../pictures/Blue-Dolphin.jpg) Registered
in 2019
Rick Sawyer of Maine, this cultivar is an upright growing,
large size (23 inches high by 40 inches wide) seedling
of H. 'Sea
Mermaid'. It is a light greenish blue (119B
RHS Colour Chart)
with leaves that are slightly cupped, deeply
corrugated and have cuspidate leaf tips with a cordate
base that often overlaps itself. Near white flowers
bloom from mid-June into July on scapes 38 to 44 inches
tall followed by seeds whose viability was not known at
the time of registration.
The registration
materials state: "...Large, upright presentation of
nearly round, rumpled, corrugated leaves. Large white
flowers bob & sway on extra-long scapes...If grown in
shade, the original bluish color holds longer, but
eventually turns a moderate olive-green (137B)." |