This cultivar is part of the "Birchwood Series" of hostas from
Florence Shaw of
Massachusetts. It is a hybrid of
H. 'Sieboldiana'
x H. 'FRW
No. 382' which was registered in 1986 by
American Hosta Society on her behalf. The
characteristics are those of a typical
H. 'Sieboldiana'-type
plant with blue-green foliage. It is a large size plant about 24
inches high with a spread of around 36 inches. Pale lavender flowers on scapes
up to 36 inches tall bloom in July. According to
The Hostapedia by Mark Zilis (2009), "...may not exist." He also states that he suspects that
this one hosta has been referred to or known by three
names including H. 'Birchwood Blue', H. 'Birchwood Blue
Beauty' and H. 'Blue Beauty'.
