Originated by
Chick Wasitis of Bridgewood
Gardens from Maryland, this cultivar was registered in
as being of unidentified parentage. It is a medium
to large size (19 inches high by 35 inches wide) hosta with
medium blue-green foliage that has a pale yellow
marginal variegation. The broadly ovate leaves are
moderately wavy .
It bears near white, tubular flowers
with pale lavender stripes on dark red scapes from June
into July and sets seed but their viability was not
known at the time of registration.
According to the Registration materials:
"Upright with heart-shaped, moderately wavy blue leaves
and light yellow margins."
Boss Man is a "Funk, Soul and Rock & Roll" band and
there is also a wrestler by that name, but this is probably
part of Chick's rock and roll series of hostas. |