This is a duplicate, incorrect or outdated name for H. 'Fortunei
Obscura'. According to
The Hostapedia by
Mark Zilis (2009), "I
consider the name 'Bella' to be horticulturally inactive
and defer to the more commonly used 'Fortunei Obscura'.
The Genus HOSTA by
W. George Schmid (1991), says
that This is a duplicate, incorrect or outdated name for H. 'Ribbed
An article from the German perennial society, Bund
Deutscher Staudengärtner (BdS) says that this cultivar
was originated by
Heinrich Rudolf Wehrhahn
(1887-1940) of Germany
but is now considered synonymous with H. 'Fortunei
Obscura'. At one time it was also known as Hosta bella
'Wehrhahn' although there is no such species as H. bella.