Dr. Kevin Vaughn
of Massachusetts cultivar is a hybrid of a sibling of H. 'Tutu' (H. 'Donahue
Piecrust' × H. pycnophylla) x H. 'Regal Ruffles'.
It was registered on his behalf by
Kevin Walek (Hosta Registrar) in
2009. This
giant size plant grows to 29 inches in height and a width of over
66 inches. It has a semi-upright form with medium
green, moderately corrugated, broadly ovate, deeply
rippled leaves. Pale lavender, funnel
shaped flowers are borne on recumbent scapes around 3 feet in
height followed by viable seeds.
The New Encyclopedia of Hostas by
Grenfell (2009) states: "When the raceme is heaviest, the scape arches down
toward the ground in an unattractive manner."
