Hosta 'At the Ritz'


This hosta of unidentified parentage was originated by Bill Janssen of Collector's Nursery in Washington and registered on his behalf by Hosta Registrar, Kevin Walek in 2009.

It is a large size hosta about 23 inches high by 45 inches wide with green foliage that has yellow and creamy yellow streaked variegation. The ovate shaped leaves are slightly wavy and moderately corrugated. Pale lavender flowers bloom in July on irregularly streaked scapes but the seed set was unknown at the time of registration.

According to The Hostapedia by Mark Zilis (2009), "...impressed with its attractive, though somewhat unstable variegation."


"In the International Code of Nomenclature for Cultivated Plants 1995, Article 17.6 dictates that all words should have an initial capital letter, with the following exceptions. Words that follow a hyphen, conjunctions and prepositions, other than those which are the first word in the epithet. Exceptions are also given where linguistic custom dictates otherwise.

The following hosta cultivar epithets should be corrected as follows: ‘At The Ritz’ to ‘At the Ritz’ (IAC List)..."


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