This sport of H. 'Guardian Angel'
was registered in
2017 by
Bob & Barb
Schroeder of Illinois on behalf of the originator,
Wade of Wade and Gatton Nursery (Closed 2019) of Ohio. The clump grows into a large size hosta about 24 inches in height with a
spread of around 60 inches. Its leaves are dark blue-green with
a greenish white medial (center) variegation. The foliage
moderately wavy, broadly ovate and dull on top. Near-white flowers bloom
from June into
July on scapes up to 40 inches in height followed by viable
registration materials state: "...More blue than H.
'Guardian Angel' and holds the bluish-green color all season." According to
The Hostapedia by Mark Zilis (2009), "...identical to 'Guardian Angel' except that its
variegation (a greenish white center) is evident through most of
the growing season (versus turning green in 'Guardian
