cultivar was developed by
Julia Geissler sometime before 1970
and registered on her behalf by
Peter Ruh of Ohio in 1988. It is a result of a cross between H. 'Tokudama' ×
'Sieboldiana'. The
plant grows to a height of about 2 feet and spreads to 4 feet in
diameter. Its heavily corrugated foliage has thick substance and
a heavy bloom on both the top and bottom surface. Dense clusters
of near white flowers bloom from mid-June into July.
According to
The Hostapedia by Mark Zilis (2009), "Despite being one of the oldest
of its category ("heavily corrugated, blue-green H. 'Elegans'
type "), 'Aksarban' still rates as one
of the best. Of course, the name "Aksarban" is "Nebraska"
spelled backwards."
