In 1999
(modified in 2005),
Dr. Dick and Jane Ward of Ohio registered this hybrid of
H. montana macrophylla x H. 'Big John'.
This huge plant grows 30 inches tall and spreads 80 inches wide with wavy,
slightly corrugated foliage. The broadly ovate leaves are dull on top and
bottom. Starting in late June, its near white flowers
bloom on scapes up to 38 inches tall.
The Hostapedia by
Mark Zilis (2009), "...offered for sale
as 'Tom Rex' by some nurseries."
The New Encyclopedia of Hostas by
Grenfell (2009) states: "Site in light shade with plenty of moisture to
keep the massive leaves turgid as lack of sufficient water can
cause wilting. Slow to start but eventually huge...Lovely in a
woodland among plants with variegated leaves."

Hosta Journal, (2006 Vol. 37 No. 2), this cultivar
was originally registered in 1999 as H.
'Tom Rex' because, at
the time, the rules for naming would not allow the intended name
of 'T Rex'. In 2003, a committee of the International Code of
Nomenclature for Cultivated Plants reviewed the situation and
ruled that the name 'T Rex' was, in fact, acceptable. The name
'Tom Rex' is considered a synonym now and this hosta has been
sold under both names by various sources over the years." BTW
- This plant is not built like a car and does not have a hubcap
diamond star halo.
