This seedling of H. 'Sea Frolic' was registered jointly by
Olga Petryszyn and Bill Brincka
(both of Indiana) in
1994. The medium
size clump grows to about 15 inches in height and 40 inches
wide. Its ovate shaped leaves are deeply lobed, rippled along
the margins and have good substance. Medium purple flowers on 3
foot tall scapes bloom in July.
 According to
The Hostapedia by Mark Zilis (2009), "The rich green foliage of 'Manhattan' impresses any
observer for its beautifully rippled margins. The large,
purplish bracts, which subtend each flower, add an interesting
ornamental effect."
The New Encyclopedia of Hostas by
Grenfell (2009) states: "Very slow to increase. An interesting hosta with
almost too many good features...The ball-like buds
enclosed by purple bracts."
