Registered by
Walters Gardens,
Inc. of Michigan in 2005, this cultivar
was discovered by Clarence (C.H.) Falstad, III
as a tissue culture sport of H. 'Sea
Fire'. It is a medium size (12 inches high by 16 inches
wide) plant with leaves that are broadly ovate and
moderately seersuckered.
The flower buds, scapes and
petioles are red in color. Pale lavender flowers bloom
from late July into August. 'Eye Declare' was also
granted a U.S. patent in 2008.
The New Encyclopedia of Hostas by
Grenfell (2009) states: "At its best from spring to early summer. Grow with
dark green foliage to emphasize the vivid leaf color
contrasts accentuated by the red flower buds,
shoots, and petioles...Smaller than its parent."
