Registered by
Anne Arett of
Minnesota in 1975, this cultivar, according to
The Hostapedia by
Mark Zilis (2009), is "...possibly a hybrid of 'Tokudama'..."
It forms a large size (28 inches high) mound of foliage with thick
substance and heavily corrugated, cupped leaves. Near-white
flowers are borne from late June into July.
According to
The Hostapedia by
Mark Zilis (2009), this cultivar "...never achieved the level of
popularity it surely merits...Its biggest negative may be a very
slow growth rate."
(1991) says that this hosta was originated by "Lehman". We have
a person named
Dick Lehman as originator of other
hostas but we have no further information on him so, until we
learn otherwise, we will guess that he is the person referenced.
If you know about this, please
contact us.
