Danny Van Eechaute of Belgium registered this
plant in 2004. It was originated by
Jan van den Top and
Marco Fransen in the
Netherlands. The plant forms an
irregular, large size (24 inches high by 51 inches
wide) mound and
bears fragrant, white flowers on 3 foot tall scapes from late July into August.
The New Encyclopedia of Hostas by
Grenfell (2009) states: "Sport, possibly tetraploid, of H. 'Warwick
Essence'...Tolerates sun in cooler climates as
long as adequate moisture is available. Leaves
thicker and slightly darker than those of its
parent...Longish-tubed flowers reflect its
plantaginea ancestry."

In an article in
Hosta Journal (2016 Vol. 47 No 2), the author
described this plant's flowers as having a "Strong" fragrance
compared to other hostas.
