This is a
Tardiana-type seedling
that was registered in 1987 by
Jim Archibald
of England on behalf of the
British hybridizer,
Eric Smith. It grows
into a medium size hosta about 16 inches high
and 41 inches wide with green foliage. The leaves are moderately
corrugated and have average substance. Pale purple flowers bloom
in July followed by viable seeds.
According to
The Hostapedia by
Mark Zilis (2009, "In a side-by-side comparison with other Tardianas, 'Eric
Smith' always comes out as the greenest of all. Its flowers are
probably considered more ornamental than its foliage."
The New Encyclopedia of Hostas by
Grenfell (2009) states: "An Eric Smith seedling, probably not a
Tardiana Group
hybrid, although given a
number...Vigorous...Probably the greenest leaved of
the numbered Tardiana Group hostas, now thought to
have H.
nakaiana and not H. 'Elegans' as a parent."
