tissue culture sport of H. montana 'Aureomarginata',
this cultivar was registered by
Eugene S. Foster of New York in 1985. A
medium size (18 inches high) plant, the leaves start the spring as bright gold and
turn more chartreuse as the season progresses. Very pale
lavender flowers bloom in July.
According to
The Hostapedia by
Mark Zilis (2009), "This plant regularly sports out of H. montana
'Aureomarginata' when it is propagated in
tissue culture. Unfortunately, it has been a very weak grower and there are only
a few well-grown clumps in existence. Gene Foster named this
cultivar for his wife."
is a yellow form of H. montana. Reported to be two-thirds the
size of the species, but this size has not yet been reached and
verified; most plants seen are much smaller than the
