A sport of H. 'Abiqua
this cultivar was registered by Alex Malloy of New York in 1997. The medium
size mound grows to about 11 inches in height with a spread of
30 inches. It has leaves with a thick substance. Very pale
lavender flowers bloom in July.
According to
The Hostapedia by Mark Zilis (2009), "...shows evidence of being a
tetraploid. The foliar
substance is much thicker than its mother plant and its general
growth pattern indicates that it is polyploid..."
The New Encyclopedia of Hostas by
Grenfell (2009) states: "Tolerates sun all day except in the hottest
climates, where two hours of morning sun is sufficient.
Increases rapidly...The tri-toned foliage at different stages of
its color changes and the streaks jetting into the leaf center."
earliest coins were made from electrum, an alloy of gold and
silver. A stater is a coin used in ancient Greece.