This cultivar of unidentified parentage was registered by
Peter Ruh of Ohio in 1991 on
behalf of the originator,
David Stone of Connecticut. The medium to
large size hosta appears to have H. 'Fortunei' in its
background. The leaves start the season light blue-green
but change to green later. They are slightly wavy, ovate
and have a thick bloom on the bottom. Pale lavender
flowers bloom from mid-July into August.
According to
The Hostapedia by Mark Zilis (2009), "...many similarities to 'Fortunei Hyacinthina' and
'Fortunei Obscura'."

Named for Peter Ruh's grandson.
Hosta Journal (1992 Vol. 23 No. 1) there is an
article by Peter Ruh about the so-called David Stone Medium or Miniature hostas which went by a numbering system that
started with
DSM. This cultivar was called DSM #18 and
was described as "Medium, leaves dull-green with glaucous back, spade-shaped and slightly wavy, flowers
off white."
