very slow growing, large size plant is a tissue culture sport of H. 'Sum and Substance' which was registered by
Ran Lydell of
Cooks Nursery and Eagle Bay Gardens in New York in
2000. It grows over 17 inches high and 33 inches wide. The
leaves are cupped, moderately corrugated and have very thick
substance. It bears medium lavender flowers from late July into
According to
The Hostapedia by
Mark Zilis (2009), "Include 'Eagle's Nest' in the "gottahave"
category of hostas. It differs from 'Sum and Substance' not only
in having green-centered foliage, but also in mound and leaf
sizes and flowering habit...a relative dwarf when compared to
'Sum and Substance', 'Sum It Up' or 'Sum of All'...less than
half the size of a fully grown 'Sum and Substance'."
From the
Field Guide to Hostas by Mark Zilis (2014), "...one might expect 'Eagle's Nest' to be similar to either 'Lady
Isobel Barnett' (narrow margin) or 'Sum of All' (wide
margin). It resembles neither."
The New Encyclopedia of Hostas by
Grenfell (2009) states: "Unlike most other sports of H. 'Sum and
Substance', the leaves are smaller with distinct cupping and the
plant is somewhat slower growing. Blooms are tightly clustered
just above the foliage mound."
