sport of H. 'Lady in Waiting', this cultivar was
registered by
Minks of Fairway Enterprises in 1990. Its height is 24
inches and forms a large size mound about 48 inches wide. The leaves have
thick substance and are slightly corrugated. Its near white
flowers appear starting in
mid-June followed by viable seeds.
 Mark Zilis (2009), states "...makes a good
non-burning substitute for 'Frances Williams'."
The New Encyclopedia of Hostas by
Grenfell (2009) states: "Winner of the 1998 Alex J. Summers Distinguished
Merit Hosta Award...Differs from similar hostas in
having a muted, golden-yellow leaf margin, longer
leaves, and an ability to withstand sun damage."
The only person we
could find with this unusual name was a Mrs Alvatine Taylor Yates of
Indianapolis who passed away in 2001 at the age of 93. There are
also daylilies named for this person.
