No.Cultivar NameType of OriginMother/Pod Parentx Pollen ParentSourceBackground Information
1 'Lakeside Blue Confusion'Hybrid'Lakeside Sapphire Pleats'UnknownChastain, Mary(GENETIC BACKGROUND) 'Lakeside Sapphire Pleats' ++(TYPE) 'Tokudama'
2 'Lakeside Sapphire'Unknown - -Chastain, Mary+ Submit Information about this Hosta +
3 'Lakeside Sapphire Pleats'Unknown - -Chastain, Mary(TYPE) 'Tokudama' ++(SIMILAR.HOSTAS) 'Blue Fan Dancer', 'Lakeside Sapphire', 'Moscow Blue'
4 'Moscow Blue'Hybrid'Tokudama'UnknownArett, Anne & The American Hosta Society(GENETIC BACKGROUND) 'Tokudama' ++(SIMILAR.HOSTAS) 'Abiqua Blue Crinkles', 'Betcher's Blue', 'Blue Troll', 'Buckshaw Blue', 'Groo Bloo', 'Lakeside Sapphire Pleats', 'Love Pat', 'Tokudama'
5 'Sea Blue Leather'Unknown - -Seaver, Mildred & Walek, Kevin & The American Hosta Society(SIMILAR.HOSTAS) 'Lakeside Sapphire Pleats', 'Sea Blue', 'Sea Grotto'
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